When you access your local Social Prescribing Service you will be allocated a Link Worker who will be able to support you to explore new services, activities and therapies enabling you to have more control over your own health and well-being.
What is the Social Prescribing Service?
The Social Prescribing Service is a new service being offered through your GP Practice to Patients 18 and over.
Social Prescribing Service is part of the NHS Long-Term Plan to make personalised care business as usual across the Health and Care System.
The purpose of the service is to support you with your non-clinical needs (Physical, Mental, Financial, Educational and Social) and work with you to find the right services and support to help meet your needs.
This could include:
- be more active
- support your mental wellbeing
- be healthier
- be more socially connected
- live well and more independently
- support with your finances
How can the Social Prescribing Service help you?
Your Link Worker will work with you to develop a personalised support plan focusing on “what matters to you” and will provide ongoing support that meets your individual needs and enables you to achieve your goals.
Your Link Worker can support you to gain information, advice, guidance, support, as well as assisting you to access a range of services that meet your needs.
This may include:
- Healthy lifestyle and activity choices
- Arts, music, outdoors and creativity activities
- Befriending, counselling and other support groups
- Housing, benefits, financial support and advice
- Employment, training and volunteering opportunities
- Education and Learning opportunities
- Getting involved in your community
- Access to specialist services and support
What to expect from your Social Prescribing Service
Your Link Worker is
- Someone to talk to confidentially
- Someone who is practical, helpful and will not judge you
- Someone who can help you decide what you would like to do to improve your health, well-being and independence.
- Someone who can help you find and visit activities, services or therapies of your choice that will meet your needs
- Someone who can support you along the way to feel more
comfortable, overcome barriers and work towards a brighter future
Your Social Prescribing Service Link Workers work alongside G.P’s and other staff within your local Practice.
The Walsall South PCN are pleased to introduce you to : Jade Griffiths
You can be referred to the service if you are registered at one of the practices below:
- Little London Surgery
- Beechdale Health Centre
- Saddler’s Health Centre
- Brace Street Surgery (Brace Street Health Centre)
- Dr Kumar & Singh (Brace Street Health Centre)
- Dr Mahbub’s Surgery (Brace Street Health Centre)
- Forrester Street Modality Group Sai Medical Centre
- Pleck Health Centre
- Ambar Medical Centre
Do you need support with any of the following?
- Loneliness & Isolation
- Health & Lifestyle choices
- Mental Health (Anxiety, Depression, Stress)
- Carer/relative with concerns
- Living with Long-Term Health Conditions
- Bereavement & Loss
- Housing issues
- Money worries
- Employment support
- Education access
- Living Independently support
- Access to local community
Contact your G.P Practice today to find out more about the Social Prescribing Service and how it can work for you.
The Social Prescribing Service is working in Partnership with local GP Practices /Primary Care Network (PCN) to help support patients within the local community to gain access to non-clinical support that can help to improve individuals health and well-being.
What is Social Prescribing?
Many things affect your health and wellbeing. GPs tell us that a lot of people visit them feeling isolated, lonely or stressed by work, money and housing problems.
There are lots of ways you might be part of social prescribing. It often starts with a conversation, perhaps with your doctor who can refer you to someone who can help: a link worker, support broker or a community navigator.
Whatever they are called, they are there to listen to you, and put you in touch with the people and activities that might help you to feel better.
Social prescribing can help us with things that can't be fixed by doctors and medicine alone.
That might mean being introduced to a community group, a new activity or a local club. It could be legal advice or volunteers to help around the house. It might be information and guidance: a bit of inside knowledge on your situation and what local resources are available.
It could even be some support to create something new such as a fishing group or gardening club.
At its most basic, a social prescription offers the kind of help that doesn’t come in a tube or a bottle.
The idea behind social prescribing is to help you to have more control over your own health and find ways to improve how you feel in a way that suits you.
To find out how it can work for you talk to your doctor, health professional or Local Authority today.
For more information about how to find a social prescribing scheme in your area please email: england.socialprescribing@nhs.net
Studies show that patients with social prescriptions get better and feel better faster than those treated with medicine alone.
And because it works, it’s happening more and more.